Todd Walters
Adjunct Instructor, CGA
Todd Walters is Founder and Executive Director of International Peace Park Expeditions (IPPE). Since 2009, IPPE applies experiential learning to teach accredited academic international field courses applying customized environmental peacebuilding and conflict assessment curriculum in expeditions to international peace parks around the world. We partner with local organizations involved in transboundary conservation networks in seven different countries; and we partner with different Universities to accredit the programs. We facilitated student fellowship and field research opportunities with our international partners, and hosted fellows and volunteers to work on various projects and initiatives of IPPE.
Through IPPE, Todd collaborated with the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security at the University of Vermont and started the “Transcending Boundaries: Perspectives from:...” documentary film series that highlights multiple stakeholder perspectives on transboundary conservation and international peace parks in North America, Central America, and Central Africa. He also developed a project to adapt Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA) methodology to transboundary conservation areas; he continued this work in partnership with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). As an active member of the Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group, Todd organizes workshops, and facilitates panel discussions at the World Parks Congress, World Conservation Congress, and Convention on Biological Diversity; and I co-led the week-long Hands Across Borders Transboundary Conservation Practitioners Workshop. Todd has advised Conservation International in the creation of the Policy Center for Environment and Peace, which seeks to understand how global science and advocacy in 40+ countries around the world has contributed to conflict or peacebuilding, how its work was affected by conflict and post-conflict contexts, and how it could contribute to stability, opportunity, inclusion and participation to build peace in diverse conservation contexts. Todd has taught masters level classes at the University of Vermont, Monterey Institute for International Studies, and New York University. He is a founding member of the Environmental Peacebuilding Academy and Environmental Peacebuilding Association.